@@@@@@@@@@@@and therefore we would like to feel comfortable all together.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@hGive and Takeh

@@Adult Residencial Care
@@@(Shokei Kouseien) : S0 profound and severe motor adults with ID( 20
male:20 female)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 5 short-stay
@@@(Shokei Gakuen Seijinryo): 45 profound and severe adults with ID (29
male 16 female)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@3 short-stay
@@Daytime Activities
@@@@Manufacturing name cards,post cards of milk box
@@@AManufacturing toys of wood
@@@BHandcrafts such as weaving,dry flower arrangement,origami,etc.
@@@CAgriculture varieties of vegetables,siitake(mushroom),etc.
@@Group Home& Care Home
@@@Bodaiju:Renge:Koumyou,Botan,Shakunage each home 4 residents working
@@@Ajisai 1 : Ajisai U
@@Bakery Workshop Mandara:
@@13 residents from Shokei Gakuen with 5 staffs.
@@Temporary Residencial Care Service :
@@40 clients have registered
@@Respite Care Services
@@one to one care system and amounting to more than 5000 hours served in
@@Community@Living Support Program
@@consultation with co-ordinator
@@Day Care Service
@@this service is attached to Kouseien. Independnt Day Care Center is preparing
to be opened
@@in 2006.(Cosmos opend)
@@Home Help Service
@@clients are the residents who were graduated from Shokei Gakuen and Community
person( now closed)